70 °F
Wind: 11 MPH
Humidity: 90 %
Feels like: 70 °F
Undertaking a MAMMOTH Project, A Baylor Lifelong Learning Coffee
When you mix public art and science, big things can happen. Dr. Trey Crumpton, Manager of Visitor Experience at Baylor’s Mayborn Museum Complex, will take you through the years of planning, construction, and this past year’s installation, of the Mammoths that greet you at the steps of the front doors of the Mayborn on University Parks Drive.
From bones to bronze, he will share how the artist and community collaborated for a new Waco icon.
9:30 am for refreshments. The program starts at 10:00 am
Please note that parking is limited at the Museum. The Green Route shuttle from the Ferrell Center will drop you off next to the Museum at the Simpson Center, and you can catch it to ride back to your car.