Cameron Park Zoo’s Orangutans are Hi-Tech
Life is sweet if you’re a resident of the Cameron Park Zoo. You are surrounded by the lush landscape, have awesome neighbors and caretakers along with the latest in hi-tech gadgets. That’s right, Mukah, Mei and KJ, Cameron Park Zoo’s Orangutans joined the “i” generation when they were gifted with an iPad. The orangs enjoy a variety of applications including “Fruit Ninja” and many musical ones.
The iPads are a valuable enrichment tool for the orangutans, and provide the zookeepers and visitors a way to observe their cognitive abilities. Recently KJ, one of the male orangs, participated with Programs & Exhibits Curator, Terri Cox, in a Skype interview with Fuji TV Station in Japan.
Visit the Cameron Park Zoo and you may be fortunate enough to catch one of the enrichment sessions!