Black Gospel Archive and Listening Center
The Black Gospel Archive (BGA) encompasses the Baylor Libraries’ numerous programs, projects, archival collections, and resources that identify, collect, preserve, and make accessible Black sacred materials.
The BGA is designed with researching scholars in mind, including an insulated sound booth to allow for full immersion in the recordings made available by the project. An electronic keyboard, access to printed gospel discographies, and aesthetic elements drawn from the project’s amazing visuals blend together to provide a multisensory opportunity to discover the passion, artistry, and spirit behind American Black gospel music.
This special collection is found on the Garden level of Baylor University’s Moody Library.
The Black Gospel Archive and Listening Center is the result of the Black Gospel Music Preservation Project.
The BGMPP and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History & Culture
The Black Gospel Music Preservation Project is proud to be partners with the NMAAHC, the newest museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Materials from the BGMPP are featured in the museum’s Musical Crossroads permanent exhibit. Learn more about the BGMPP and the NMAAHC here.
Click here to check out travel writer Sheila Scarborough’s article about this gem.

1312 S 3rd St, Waco, TX 76798

(254) 710-6702