CycleBar Waco
CycleBar is an indoor cycling experience that offers a fun, high-octane workout for all ages and body types. Cyclebar fitness is not just a workout, it’s a total full-body experience. Offering rhythm-based rides, CycleBar workouts are all-inclusive, regardless of your fitness level. The best part of this workout is that anyone can do it. The CycleStats system measures riders’ six key metrics of their daily record and historical performance and emails the results after each ride to help people track their fitness goals.
Our mission is to provide an excellent ride for everyone. We strive to build a community of riders who use these workouts to clear their headspace, escape the stress in life and feel empowered.
At CycleBar, we take care of everything for you, so all you have to do is show up, clip in and ride. We provide complimentary filtered water, shoes, towels, showers, and lockers that have coded keypads for easy access and safe storage of belongings. Wear athletic attire, such as a tank top or t-shirt and form-fitting shorts or pants during class.

2324 Marketplace Drive Suite 210 Waco, TX 76711

(254) 730-4847