Home W A C O E V E N T S - Visit Waco, TX Lifelong Learning COFFEE at the Mayborn Museum


Mayborn Museum Complex
Mayborn Museum Complex
(254) 710-1110


Mayborn Museum Complex
1300 S University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76706, USA


Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
80 °F
Wind: 13 MPH
Humidity: 82 %
Feels like: 87 °F


Oct 14 2022


Refreshments open at 9:30 & the program starts at 10am
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Lifelong Learning COFFEE at the Mayborn Museum

Speaker: Gerald Powell, retired Baylor law professor, local historian, and Lifelong Learning Instructor, will speak on the historical setting for his book which his best-selling novel, The Sporting House Killing, is based.  The era of a modern city, Waco around 1894 when it was a bustling cotton and railroad town with four colleges and thirty-five churches, but it was also known as Six Shooter Junction and at the same time the town had another side to it the part of town known as the Reservation a place where many brothels flourish in a legalized red-light district unique as only one of two such legal sites in the country.

This is a free event and you do not need to be a member of Lifelong Learning to attend.

Baylor’s Lifelong Learning is a group of intellectually curious adults, age 50 and better, who gather for lectures, classes, and trips during daytime hours. Through volunteer leadership and member participation, our goal is to encourage ideas and the pursuit of learning while respecting the diversity of thought. Please call the Baylor Mayborn Museum at 254-710-1110 ext. 2 for information, or email [email protected].


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