35 °F
Wind: 5 MPH
Humidity: 74 %
Feels like: 31 °F
SIC’EM Science Day at the Mayborn
Discover the science happening in Central Texas and beyond.
Exciting STEM experiments, our annual chemistry magic show, and more! SIC’EM Science Day highlights the science happening in our community and demonstrates how it positively impacts our daily lives. Activities are appropriate for children 3 and up.
Kick off the day with one-of-a-kind STEM activities provided by real-life Baylor University scientists. Then head over to our historic village to experience our annual Chemistry Magic show.
Kick off the day with one-of-a-kind STEM activities provided by real-life Baylor University scientists. Then head over to our historic village to experience our annual Chemistry Magic show.
Chemistry Magic Show at 2:00 PM.